
Meet Our Summer Interns!


We are thrilled to introduce you to our two summer interns – Lianne and Mia! These wonderful new members of the Reproductive Health Access Project team will be with us all summer long, putting together workshops and trainings, doing research on policy issues, and writing for the blog. Here’s a little info about them.

Name: Lianne Salcido

Hails from: California

Why are you passionate about reproductive health? Before coming to RHAP, I worked with New York City teens as a sexuality educator. My experiences led me to become very passionate about reproductive rights and abortion access, especially concerning adolescents.

Life after RHAP? This fall I will be joining HealthCorps as a health educator in a school based clinic. I’m very excited to start the position because I love working with teens. In the future, I’d like to obtain a Masters Degree in Nursing and work as a public health nurse. I’m still figuring out what my future will look like, but I imagine it being a combination of direct service work and program management.

Any fun summer plans in the city? I promised myself that I would try to visit a new park/museum/landmark each week. Beyond that I’m probably going to see Into the Woods in Central Park, if I can wait in line long enough!


Name: Mia Mattioli

Hails from: Pennsylvania

Why are you passionate about reproductive health?  Reproductive health is just one arena in which access to adequate and evidence-based care is continually compromised.  In this era of debate surrounding health care in its entirety, I seek to work with those who have been on the front lines all along to understand their long-term strategies for changing state and national policy and their short-term strategies for providing the best legally-allowable care in the clinic every day.

Life after RHAP? I’m about to start my second year of medical school. Next year, I will be serving as the President of Medical Students for Choice, providing an outlet for my interest in women’s health, particularly underserved women who struggle for access to family planning and preventative care.

Any fun summer plans in the city? Eating!  My neighborhood in Pennsylvania has limited food choices, so I try to take advantage while I’m in the city and indulge in Mexican, Thai, and food trucks!


Name: Eve Peyser-Sappol

Hails from: New York

Why are you passionate about reproductive health? This is a hard question for me to answer as it seems so obvious to me: all women should have equal access to contraception and abortion. I guess I’m passionate about reproductive health because it’s not a “given” that all women have access to these services in the United States.

Life after RHAP? I’ll be beginning my sophomore year at Oberlin College, where I study Studio Art and Creative Writing. I’ll also be continuing my participation in the Bonner Scholars program, which provides students with the financial support needed to attend college and continue to be involved in community service. I hope to do work with reproductive health access in Ohio.

Any fun summer plans in the city? See as many good films and concerts as possible!



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