Visit Our New Online Store!
The Reproductive Health Access Project publishes a variety of patient education materials and clinical tools. Now, you can purchase these materials at our new online store! Visit it today at
We believe in promoting evidence-based, patient centered medicine. All of our patient education materials are medically accurate, drawn from the latest clinical information. We field test our patient education sheets to make sure that they are easy to read and use. Colorful and beautifully designed, our patient education sheets are perfect for use at health centers, doctors offices, and school based clinics.
Our new online store allows for easy browsing of our materials. Many of our fact sheets are available in multiple languages, including Chinese, Creole, English, Portuguese, and Spanish. We strive to be eco-friendly, so all of our materials are printed using soy based ink and can be printed on regular or recycled paper. Have questions about an item or want to order in bulk? Email us at
All the proceeds from our online store help support our mission of integrating contraception and abortion into primary care. We’d love to hear your feedback so check out our new store today!