
Thank You for Celebrating 10 Years with RHAP


“The Reproductive Health Access Project presents V to Shining V” 10 year-anniversary celebration was a huge success! We are so happy to have had the opportunity celebrate with so many of you and we want to thank you all for your tremendous support of the Reproductive Health Access Project over the past decade.

We would like to give a big shout out to our friends at Lady Parts Justice League for pulling together an amazing line up of performers and infusing the evening with big-hearted feminist activism. We invite you to get to know them and support their efforts to raise awareness about reproductive justice.

Buzz Off, Lucille joined us for the second year as our V to Shining V MC’s, and as usual, they kept the crowd laughing and energized throughout the night. Leah Bonnema opened the show with an amazing stand-up performance and was followed by a fantastic musical performance by Ted Leo. Sorry About Last Night hosted a very informative live interview with our Medical Director, Dr. Linda Prine where she discussed the challenges abortion providers face, and even answered questions from the audience.

The Hilarious duo, Betsy Kenney and Alise Morales, hosted a fantastic raffle and several lucky attendees won prizes ranging from a peanut butter pack to a vasectomy. Our organizational leadership and medical fellows were also incredibly honored to have the opportunity to talk so many of our supporters about how important the work that RHAP does is to them and how important your support is to our organization.

The second act was equally amazing with a stand-up performance by the hilarious Naomi EkerperignJaneane Gorafalo was a treat to see live in action and the show closed with a killer performance by Lea DeLaria – she even included a sing along! It was so wonderful to hear all our amazing supporters singing and celebrating the Reproductive Health Access Project. It was a truly inspiring night! Check out pictures and video clips from the event.

Help us keep this positive energy from V to Shining V going! Stay connected to the Reproductive Health Access Project by following us on Twitter and Facebook. There will be many opportunities to support the Reproductive Health Access Project through the end of 2015 – help us make our 10th year our best year yet!

We raised almost $50,000 from the event, all of which will go towards supporting the Reproductive Health Access Project’s mission of integrating contraception, miscarriage, and abortion into primary care.

If you were unable to donate at the event but would like to support the Reproductive Health Access Project’s 10-year anniversary celebration, it is not too late – visit our donation page to make a gift today!

Thank you again for your support over the last 10 years, we are looking forward to all the amazing things to come in next decade!

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