
Thank you for your year-end support in 2015


2015 marked RHAP’s 10-year anniversary and you helped make this year one of our most successful years yet! Together, we raised over $40,000 on our end-of-year appeal. We are so grateful for your generous gifts—we could not accomplish all that we do without your support.

We believe that training as many clinicians as possible in abortion, contraceptive, and miscarriage care is the best path to increasing access nationwide. Primary care clinicians are the main health care providers working in underserved urban and rural communities, and they are the key to expanding access to quality reproductive health care across the country. RHAP provides training and support to new and experienced primary care clinicians to fill the gaps in reproductive health care access. Your generous support makes this possible.

Your donation to our end-of-year appeal will go directly toward our fellowships, training programs, and advocacy work in 2016. Thank you for joining us in the movement to expand access to reproductive health care within the primary care community.

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Your gift allows us to mobilize, train, and support clinicians across the United States so they provide reproductive health care.
