
Fighting for Reproductive Access


Freezing our butts off!On March 2nd the U.S. Supreme Court heard the most important abortion access case in 25 years. Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt will determine whether Texas laws go too far in regulating abortion care providers in the state.Regardless of how the Supreme Court rules in the Whole Women’s Health case, attacks on abortion care are not new, and they’re not going away. While these laws primarily target free-standing abortion clinics, they affect all reproductive health care providers.

On the evening before the rally we hosted, along with our board member Emily Kane-Lee and the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, a sign-making happy hour. We had a great turn out from our DC supporters, made lots of eye-catching signs, which we gave away at the rally. Our Program Manager Laura Riker’s colorful uterus sign even ended up on the list of “Top 25 eye-catching signs”!

RHAP was on the steps of the Supreme Court early on the morning of the hearing. We live tweeted from @RHAP1. It was very cold, but the energy, passion, and camaraderie of our colleagues kept us feeling warm.


Here are some highlights and pictures of RHAPers and friends.

Lisa PabloLisa Maldonado, Executive Director: I really wanted to experience this with my family. My 12 year-old son Pablo came with me and took part in all of the activities. It was a great lesson for him in social justice and how our government works. I want him to know that individuals can raise their voices in a peaceful way to create change.




IMG_1134Stephanie Blaufarb, Program and Operations Associate: I was so happy to be at the Rally to Protect Abortion Access at the Supreme Court for the Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt case. I feel like this case is the kind of historic event I will tell my kids about with pride. It was so moving to see Amy Hagstrom Miller, Stephanie Toti, and Cecile Richards coming out of the Court House looking triumphant despite all the challenges they’ve faced recently.




IMG_1264Kristin Ploog, Development Associate: The speakers at the rally were so inspiring! It was so good to hear all the amazing stories and experiences of our allies. It was empowering to feel the strength of our movement and see that we are not few. We are many!

Laura Riker, Program Manager: It was amazing to be a part of the 2,000+ pro-choice activists who came together in DC yesterday to rally for protecting abortion access. Having such a diverse, passionate group of advocates, providers, and allies uniting under a shared vision kept us on our feet and chanting for four hours! Our message to SCOTUS—and the rest of the country—was very clear: access to safe, legal abortion is a right and there is no place for anti-choice politics in the reproductive health decisions that people make about their bodies, or the care that clinicians provide.
Rosann gets SCOTUS tix copyRosann Mariappuram, RHAP Alum and Supporter: I felt so lucky to be in the courtroom for today’s ‪‎SCOTUS oral arguments on‪ ‎HB2. I am incredibly grateful that I was able to be present for this historic case.







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