
Reflection on the Next Four Years


take-action-onlineThe political landscape for reproductive health care—in the face of the incoming administration and an anti-abortion Congress—will be challenging in the coming months and years. While there is a lot we don’t know for sure, there are some things we do know. We know that there are serious threats to the future of women’s health care and reproductive rights in this country. We know that the Supreme Court will be a battleground. We know that the Affordable Care Act is at risk. We know that our movement will have to have a laser-like focus to win key fights and prevent rolling back 50 years of progress.

The Reproductive Health Access Project is strong and doing critical work. We remain committed to our mission of ensuring that everyone has access to reproductive health care by integrating abortion, contraception, and miscarriage into primary care. We are doubling down on our efforts to strengthen and expand our Reproductive Health Access Network – our national network of 1,100+ pro-choice clinician activists. We are investing more time, energy, and resources to connect with and engage clinicians in training and advocacy activities that will support protecting access to reproductive health care. Already, since the election, we have added 50 clinicians to our Network and have started on-the-ground organizing efforts in four new states. We can and will do more. We want to have vibrant, on-the-ground efforts in every state.

We are also working hard to expand our Reproductive Health Care and Advocacy Fellowship. Our one-year fellowship produces highly trained clinician activists who go on to train and provide abortion, contraception, and miscarriage care. The ripple effect of the fellowship is tremendous. Right now, we are training fellows in New York and Boston, and we want to establish more fellowships throughout the country.

The day after the election I awoke determined to roll up my sleeves and do whatever it takes to ensure everyone can access reproductive health care. When I got to work and walked by the health center near our office–the place where I first met Linda Prine and Ruth Lesnewski, the place where the three of us worked so hard to integrate abortion care, the place that serves as a model for all the work we do across the country–I just broke down. But what lifted me up are my colleagues and all the clinicians we work with: we are a strong community that is used to supporting each other to do difficult, challenging work. We will come together to face the many important challenges that lie ahead.

You are part of our community too. We are counting on your support now more than ever. Please get involved in any way you can. Spread the word about our efforts. If you are a pro-choice primary care clinician, join our Reproductive Health Access Network. Make a donation or volunteer to help us continue our work to make reproductive health care accessible to everyone.

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