
Spotlight on a Donor: Debora Jacques


Debora Jacques was connected to RHAP more than ten years ago through her sister-in-law, Elisa, a longtime RHAP friend and supporter. Knowing that Debora was passionate about reproductive health and looking for an organization to become involved with, Elisa forwarded her a fundraising appeal, sparking what would become a decade-long relationship with RHAP. Not only has Debora become a regular donor, she has also shown her commitment to RHAP through volunteer work.

“My first experience with RHAP was stuffing envelopes with other volunteers. That evening I was so impressed with the other people helping out. I felt that if the caliber of the volunteers was so high, then the organization must be really worthwhile and special.”

Inspired by causes that protect reproductive health access, Debora became a recurring donor, giving monthly for nine years. “I am retiring next month and have decided to continue giving regularly, even though I will be on a fixed income. I decided that it was more important now than ever to support such a great organization. Reproductive rights are under attack and I strongly believe they must be protected. I simply don’t understand how any society can minimize women’s health and think that they can function.” 

Debora says she believes in RHAP because it is “…a small organization that has a huge impact.” She’s driven by our work to counter a lack of medical training in abortion, contraception, and miscarriage care, and our support of clinicians providing this care.

We are glad to count Debora among our donors and thank her for her continued support of RHAP.

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