
We are Moving!


Since day one, the Reproductive Health Access Project has been getting free office space from a large community health center in New York City. This is really no small thing. Being embedded within a large, cutting edge primary care clinic allowed us to easily keep our fingers on the pulse of community health care. The free office space also kept our overhead expenses very, very low, allowing us to allocate more funds to our various initiatives.

Unfortunately, the building housing the health center has been sold, and everyone moved out as of December 1st. The organization that has been hosting us for free can’t accommodate us in their new space. So, for the first time in 12 years, RHAP will have its our own office space.

We found an amazing, light filled space in New York’s garment district. RHAP supporters helped us keep expenses down. A big thanks to our amazing broker Janet Liff, for helping us find the space. Channing Redford donated her architectural services – helping us make the most of our new office space, and the lawyers at Simpson Thatcher provided us with pro bono legal support as we negotiated our lease.  It takes a village, truly.

We are still in transition to the new space, but as soon as we are fully settled we’ll be hosting an open house.  Stay tuned. In the meantime, you can still reach us at our usual email and mailing address, but we now have a new phone number:  646-895-6464.

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