Running for RHAP: Sylvia English

Runner Sylvia English
Sylvia English is one of five RHAP supporters running for RHAP in the 2018 United Airlines NYC Half-Marathon. Learn more about Sylvia and why she is running for RHAP.
Tell us about yourself
I first came across Reproductive Health Access Project via Google while writing my master’s thesis in a related health area, and thought the organization took a novel approach to meet a real need in the community. I volunteered stuffing envelopes with RHAP. I really enjoyed meeting the staff and talking with the other volunteers about access to reproductive information and healthcare.
Why do you want to be involved now? What motivates you to be involved in the field of reproductive health?
I want to be involved with groups like RHAP because I’ve worked in roles where limited access to reproductive health knowledge or adequate care has had an immense impact on people’s lives. I believe that we need to work together to ensure that educational resources, as well as evidence-based care, are available to both providers and patients. RHAP has found a much-needed niche to meet both provider and patient needs.
Why did you choose RHAP to be an organization that you’re committed to?
RHAP has found a much-needed niche to meet both provider and patient needs. Meeting over envelope stuffing, I think the staff is passionate, committed, and capable, as well as people I enjoy being around. I really value the work RHAP does.
If you’d like to support Sylvia’s fundraiser, click here!