Running for RHAP: Katie Neimeyer

Runner Katie Neimeyer
Katie Neimeyer is one of five RHAP supporters running for RHAP in the 2018 United Airlines NYC Half-Marathon. Learn more about Katie and why she is running for RHAP.
-Tell us a little bit about yourself
I moved to NYC the summer of 2016 after receiving my Bachelor’s degree earlier that spring. I grew up in Anchorage, Alaska so the transition to the city has been interesting to say the least, but I am loving it so far. I work at CUMC as a clinical research assistant on several studies that investigate the genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease. I am also currently studying part-time to get my Master’s in Narrative Medicine at Columbia University. The program emphasizes the need for patients to tell their story in a healthcare encounter, and the importance of the medical provider to receive and recognize it. RHAP recognizes that women receiving reproductive health care have stories that guide their medical decisions, and that all women should have providers that are willing to listen – which is why I love RHAP! In my free time I enjoy reading, listening to podcasts, spending time outdoors and singing along to my Broadway playlist on Spotify.
-What led you to become involved with RHAP?/How did you learn about us?
I learned about RHAP in 2016 – not long after I moved to NYC – while listening to a podcast that featured Dr. Linda Prine. I found her work fascinating. Her interview motivated me to check out the organization online, and I kept it on my radar until I had more time to volunteer. The 2016 election galvanized me, like many others, to take action and seek volunteer opportunities at RHAP.
-What was your first experience with RHAP?
My first experience with RHAP was last January during the 44th anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision. I helped greet guests and take pictures for the event. Every guest, volunteer and member I met was so kind and passionate about reproductive health – the energy in the room was palpable. I left the event feeling optimistic due to everyone’s shared commitment to fight for reproductive health care for all.
-Is there anything else you’d like to share?
This is actually going to be my first half marathon! I used to run a lot when I was younger because I played soccer but I stopped when I started college. My roommate is a runner and she got me back into it this past year. I’ve done a few shorter races since then, but this will be my first half, and I’m very excited! Click here to support Katie’s fundraiser!