
The Access Circle


One of our wonderful monthly donors, Maureen Falencki, graciously decided to share her personal story with our community because she feels that there is a huge need for access to reproductive health through education. Stories like hers, along with those of our community of monthly supporters, have inspired us to create a monthly giving program to help sustain our programs, remain a strong force in the reproductive health care community, and advocate for access to reproductive health care for everyone.

The Access Circle is a community of dedicated supporters who give monthly to support the work of the Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP). Every day, RHAP works hard to educate and train primary care clinicians to provide access to comprehensive reproductive health care to everyone, everywhere. But there’s only one reason we are able to continue this critical work every day. It’s YOU.

You can make your support go further by joining the Access Circle Community. Your monthly support is valuable to our work and ensures that reproductive health care is more accessible. What is exciting about monthly donations is that you are making a difference month after month and increasing access, reducing stigma, and mainstreaming abortion care for the long haul.

Right now, the need is great. The Trump administration recently awarded nearly $1.5 million to three anti-abortion organizations, including anti-abortion clinic networks that have a history of misrepresenting sexual health information. The number of anti-abortion clinics is growing.  We cannot let them continue to promote false and inaccurate statements about abortion and contraception.

The current administration’s policies are destroying access to quality reproductive health care.   We cannot and will not let this happen. As RHAP continues, your monthly gift can make a huge difference, helping us train and support even more clinicians across the United States.

Your monthly support will help:

  • Mainstream abortion, contraception, and early pregnancy loss care every year by helping RHAP educate more clinicians on these topics.
  • Increase access to reproductive health care every year by helping RHAP train more clinicians.
  • Empower more patients to be in control of their reproductive health every year by helping RHAP develop more patient education materials.

Will you help us reach our goal of 25 new monthly donors to mainstream, empower, and increase access to reproductive health care? Join us by September 30th and your monthly gift will be matched at a time when it’s so urgently needed! You will also receive RHAP’s new swag!!

We hope you can join us in becoming a part of the Access Circle Community. If you have any questions about the campaign or would like to join, please email Nushin Bhimani, our Development Officer, at

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Make a donation

Your gift allows us to mobilize, train, and support clinicians across the United States so they provide reproductive health care.
