
RHAPpers Make the News!


Our Network members, Dr. Anna Lowell and Dr. Lin-Fan Wang, were recently featured in their local newspapers. Now more than ever, RHAP is committed to raising the voices of our reproductive health leaders, especially as practitioners of family medicine.  

Dr. Lowell was profiled by the Tampa Bay Times for a story on Florida’s abortion care providers. She co-leads the Reproductive Health Access Network’s Florida Cluster — a group of 40 like-minded clinicians across the state who strategize about bringing abortion, contraception, and miscarriage care into their practices. 

During the week, Dr. Lowell is a family physician, and on Saturdays, she’s an abortion provider. She describes her work as such: “You feel like you’re a hero but you can’t reveal it, like it’s your secret identity.” At RHAP, we’re working to ensure that clinicians who provide abortion care don’t have to be so secret. 

Dr. Wang echoed a similar sentiment in her op-ed for the Philadelphia Inquirer, writing: “I am a family doctor who provides abortion care in the Philadelphia suburbs. While that may sound like a bit of an oxymoron, the reality is that abortion is just like any other health care decision.” Dr. Wang speaks to our belief that to deny abortion access is to deny an essential part of health care. 

Grab a coffee, and spend some time with Dr. Lowell and Dr. Wang, and learn more about how family medicine is uniquely positioned to be at the forefront of access to reproductive health care for all.

The Philadelphia Inquirer: “Pennsylvania’s heartbeat bill makes me worry for my patients’ abortion access” (op-ed by Dr. Lin-Fan Wang) 

The Tampa Bay Times: “Young doctors find a calling on abortion’s front lines” (ft. Dr. Anna Lowell)

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