
Support Our Emergency Fundraising Campaign


Our world has changed drastically in a matter of months. We have all had to adjust our lives in so many ways in reaction to this global pandemic. Never did we imagine that the clinicians we work with would be on the frontlines fighting a global pandemic, or that accessing basic reproductive health care could put someone’s health at risk. Primary care is undergoing a huge shift right now as, more than ever, health care is being provided remotely by phone or computer.

RHAP is shifting gears, adapting to provide primary care clinicians with the tools, resources, training, and support they need to ensure safe and timely access to abortion, contraception, and miscarriage care during this pandemic. We have created a special section on our website with updated tools and resources tailored to “telehealth” services. We’ve taken our clinical education 100% online and our state-based Network meetings now take place via Zoom.

We didn’t plan for this and need your help now to make sure that we have the resources to keep responding to the pandemic. We are launching a campaign to raise $25,000 this spring to support our emergency COVID-19 response. Here’s what we will do with the funds we raise:

  • Develop and disseminate new clinical tools and resources. Now more than ever, primary care clinicians and students are relying on RHAP to continue to update our patient education materials as they teach, learn, and provide care.
  • Create online learning networks to train and support clinicians and health centers to provide virtual reproductive health care. Clinicians need coaching, training, and help getting their questions answered.
  • Support all 25 of our state-based Network Clusters to move their meetings, trainings, and advocacy online.  This requires technology, training, and coordination. For the past few weeks, we have been hosting national meetings in this way, but now we need to help our state chapters do the same. So many of the laws and policies governing health care changes right now are determined at the state level. We need to be poised to weigh in and advocate for fair and equitable reproductive health laws and policies.

We understand that this is a difficult time for everyone. Our attention is split in many different directions and we are all concerned about the health and wellbeing of our loved ones and communities. We hope that you consider RHAP to be a part of your community and would greatly appreciate your support at this critical time. 

Here’s how you can help:

  • $125 can help us update our online patient education materials for clinicians and students. 
  • $250 would sponsor online meetings for a state cluster for a full year. 
  • $1,500 would cover training all our state cluster leaders (52 clinicians) in virtual organizing and meeting facilitation.  These are new skills that most clinicians don’t have!  
  • $15,000 will cover the costs of establishing and facilitating a six-month online collaborative learning community to support primary care clinicians and health care organizations to provide reproductive health care in this new health care environment.

Please make a generous gift and help us reach our goal of $25,000. Your support will help us continue to provide our primary care clinicians with the resources, community, and tools to be able to advocate for this care, especially now. 

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Your gift allows us to mobilize, train, and support clinicians across the United States so they provide reproductive health care.
