
2021 Year-End Campaign


Thanks to over 400 supporters, we raised over $260,000 for our 2021 year-end campaign! Your support, and the impact it has on clinicians and patients, keep us inspired. Thank you for taking a stand for reproductive health care and committing to expand access to this necessary care. 

We are ready to take on 2022 with full force. RHAP is uniquely positioned to offer creative, flexible, and impactful solutions to issues of reproductive health care access, particularly for communities that already face disproportionate barriers to care. Despite what lies ahead, we know that they will continue to be out on the front lines, providing care to their patients who need it.  

Throughout this year we will be taking steps to be bold for abortion justice through our events, programming, resources, and Fellowship. Because of the generous year-end donations RHAP received, we will be able to update the abortion resources we already offer, create new resources, and prioritize incorporating a disability justice lens into our materials. We will continue to train our Fellows to provide and integrate new reproductive health services so they can go on to teach the next generation of clinicians to do the same. And our Network of over 5,000 clinicians will be provided with the resources they need to advocate for and provide reproductive health care, no matter where they are. 

Thank you to everyone who helped RHAP achieve our fundraising goal for our year-end campaign! Our work is not done yet – we still have a challenging year ahead of us and hope our amazing RHAP community will continue to strengthen and grow our organization through their generous support.

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Your gift allows us to mobilize, train, and support clinicians across the United States so they provide reproductive health care.
