
New Clinician Pack Available Now! 


The Clinician Pack is the newest addition to our online store!

The Clinician Pack is a compiled set of the latest clinical tools to use in the exam room with your patients. Available in English, it includes the following tools on contraception, ectopic pregnancy, and early pregnancy loss (miscarriage) management:

  • Quick Start Algorithm explains how health care providers can Quick Start contraception. Quick Start means initiating birth control use on the day of an office visit, at any point in the patient’s menstrual cycle.
  • Phone Triage Call is an algorithm for managing phone calls from patients experiencing bleeding during medication or expectant management of early pregnancy loss.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy is an algorithm to help determine diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy.
  • Medical Eligibility Criteria for Initiating Contraception is a reference tool for health care providers who want to check a patient’s medical eligibility for various forms of contraception as they relate to absolute and relative contraindications. Information is based on the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) and the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations for initiating contraceptives.

This pack joins our Exam Room Pack as another resource to have on hand for easy reference during patient care. Our original set, the Exam Room Pack, has five of our most popular patient education materials that are easy for everyone to understand:

Our Exam Room Pack is now also available in Spanish!

All of RHAP’s clinical tools and resources are evidence-based and patient-centered medicine, so you can trust that they are medically accurate and frequently updated to reflect the latest research. RHAP is pharma-free — we do not take any funding from pharmaceutical companies and we do not endorse specific brands or products. All of the proceeds from our online store go towards helping us develop more evidence-based reproductive health care resources.

Whether they’re for an ectopic pregnancy or early pregnancy loss, or different methods of contraception or abortion options, our clinical resources are an asset to patient-centered care.

You can download any of our resources for free from our website or purchase them from our online store

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