
Helping Clinicians Provide Reproductive Health Care During the Pandemic


These are unprecedented times. The amazing and courageous primary care clinicians we work with are on the front lines, often in very difficult positions, but they are still working to ensure that patients have access to reproductive health care. Because of the current crisis, primary care settings are trying to figure out how best to provide people with reproductive health care in ways that minimize possible exposure to the virus. 

In order to support their work, RHAP has created a new section on our website with a collection of COVID-19 Reproductive Health Care Resources. On this page, you’ll find newly created or adapted resources to support clinicians to provide reproductive health care via telehealth. We’ve also included guidance and resources from our partners and allies that will help inform clinicians of evolving practices and suggestions for continuing reproductive health services during this time.  If you have a resource or would like to see a resource created to support the work you are doing to provide remote reproductive health care via telehealth, please reach out to our Program Manager,


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