
Miscarriage Myths


Early pregnancy loss, also known as miscarriage, is one of those topics that does not get discussed as often or openly as it should. This is because there are a lot of myths and stigma surrounding early pregnancy loss. The stigma and myths serve only to make people facing an early pregnancy loss feel more alone. At RHAP we believe that every person and family facing an early pregnancy loss should have the facts about what is happening to their bodies, what their options are, and how common an experience this is.

Early pregnancy loss is fairly common, with about 1 in 4 pregnancies ending in early pregnancy loss. One of the myths that silences pregnant people is that their early pregnancy loss is their fault, something they did wrong. This is very rarely the case! When a pregnancy starts, cells divide fast to make an embryo, and sometimes errors occur. Your body notices this, and the pregnancy stops growing.

At RHAP, we work towards expanding access to high-quality, patient-centered care within each community. For many people who experience early pregnancy loss, they may think their only option is to be treated in the ER. However, family doctors and primary care clinicians can provide the care needed. This includes supporting a family to “watch and wait,” use medication, or have a procedure in the office. All three treatment options are safe, effective, often more affordable, and can take place in a familiar setting.

October 15 is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Knowing the myths around early pregnancy loss and creating space to discuss this stigmatized topic openly can be helpful, but this can still be a very difficult time. First Candle is a great resource for grieving families, and they have a toll-free 24/7 hotline for anyone to call: 1-800-221-7437. And, to learn more about early pregnancy loss, including all treatment options available, please check out our resources.

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