
Spotlight on a Donor: Emily’s Birthday Fundraiser


The hard work of RHAP board members never goes unnoticed. Between Board meetings, writing personalized thank you notes to our supporters, and championing the work of RHAP, it is humbling to work alongside these folks. One of our board members, Emily Kane-Lee, is the most recent example of the Board’s commitment to RHAP’s mission and values.

“I wanted to do a fundraiser for my 40th birthday as an alternative way to bring my friends and family together during a time when we can’t be together in person (because of COVID). For me, the fundraiser was an opportunity to connect with the people in my life, who I wish I could give a big hug, and share a little bit about something that means so much to me: increasing access to full spectrum reproductive health care. 

I am incredibly proud to support RHAP, especially now when the organization is wrestling with the hard questions of (1) how racism and white supremacy has shown up in our work, the reproductive health movement, and the American health care system and (2) what we are going to do about it. I wanted to share this important work with my community and ask them to support these hard conversations and RHAP’s critical mission. 

I set the goal of $4,000 for two reasons: First, I really wanted to stick with the theme of turning 40, so 40 x 100 seemed appropriate and fun! Second, $4,000 is a pretty significant fundraising goal for an individual, but I knew my community was filled with generous spirits dedicated to improving the lives of others, and that we could meet the challenge if we came together. And we did! 

While not everyone has the means right now to donate, support for RHAP was demonstrated is lots of different ways. I am truly humbled, although not surprised, that so many of my friends and family joined me in this effort.

We applaud Emily for her commitment to immersing herself in this work beyond her role serving on the board of directors. Thank you for your endless support. If you’d like to start a birthday fundraiser for RHAP, fundraise in your community, workplace, or in other ways, email us here and start fundraising today!

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