
Meet Our Summer Interns!


Join us in welcoming our new summer interns, Hayley and Marho!

Hayley Farless McMahon, Research Intern

Hayley (she/her) is joining us as our Research Intern. Hayley is a Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. She is a proud first-generation college graduate with a degree in Cultural Anthropology and Global Health from Duke University. Originally from Tennessee, Hayley has specific research interests related to abortion access, stigma, and misinformation in the Southeast. Hayley will be helping us evaluate the impact of the Reproductive Health Access Network and generate recommendations on how to build Network leadership and engagement.

What sparked your passion for reproductive health care and justice?

I grew up in rural Appalachia in a low-income community, so I know how complicated it can be to access the healthcare you need. Add in the stigma that surrounds many forms of reproductive healthcare and things start to feel like an impossible obstacle course, especially for folks belonging to historically marginalized communities. My passion for reproductive justice is based on a really simple core value: All people deserve to live safe, healthy lives. That includes having the autonomy and resources they need to prevent pregnancy, end a pregnancy, give birth, and/or raise a child. 

In your new position at RHAP as Research Intern, what are you most excited about?

I’m most excited about the opportunity to hone my methodology skills! I feel like something I’ve really missed in the classroom, especially with Zoom school and everything, is getting hands-on experience with data analysis.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love to read (used bookstores are my weakness—the best kind of recycling!) and really enjoy wildlife photography. My husband, Bryan, and I love to travel, and we also have several pets (cats, geckos, and an axolotl) that we spend a lot of time with.

What are you currently reading/watching/listening to?

I just finished reading Mariame Kaba’s new book, We Do This ‘Til We Free Us, and absolutely recommend it!

Marho Avworo, RRASC Intern

Marho (she/her) hails from Southwest Houston, Texas and is currently a rising senior at Houston Baptist University. She hopes to graduate with a Bachelor’s Degree in medical humanities and concentration in pre-medicine. Her interest is to bridge the gap between family medicine and psychiatry, while helping communities gain access to partial and later, total health care. With her personal experience in watching African American women have a lack of access to doctors, starting with her mother, her passion increased in wanting to advocate for said population. She also works at a pharmacy and advocates for reproductive justice for patients without insurance. Marho will be supporting the Reproductive Health Access Network.

What sparked your passion for reproductive health care and justice?

With the past year, we have gotten to see so much injustice with how it relates to health care, injustice and discrimination, all around. As an aspiring family medicine/psychiatry physician, I discovered that knowing and studying medicine is only one aspect of the patient’s life; there are other factors that play a role as well. Also, I’m from Southwest Houston, and in the past year, I realized that there is a lack of access to physicians, either due to race, lack of income or whatever the case maybe. Therefore, I am interested and excited to see how I can help bridge the gap between the patients and physicians. 

In your new position at RHAP as the RRASC Intern, what are you most excited about?

As the RRASC Intern, I am very excited to work with an amazing group of people, learn from them, and impact others with the knowledge gained. I am also thrilled to see how the work we do in RHAP with the primary care physicians will impact patients directly. With this experience, I can prepare myself to be a better physician in the future and provide access to those who would not have it otherwise. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I love driving, so in the past year, I figured I could drive and make money at the same time by becoming a dasher for DoorDash. Also, I love spending with family, especially my mom. We watch movies and workout together as well. My mom has also shared a couple of recipes with me so I love cooking, as well. 

What are you currently reading/watching/listening to?

I’m currently reading a book called “House of Sticks”. It’s a memoir by Ly Tran. Also, I love afrobeats, so I listen to them always.


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