
Check Out Our Store!


Did you know RHAP has an online store? You can purchase birth control user guides, fact sheets, clinical tools, posters, and t-shirts through our store.

RHAP’s user guides include information on various birth control methods such as emergency contraception, IUDs, condoms, pills, the ring, and so much more. Our fact sheets also cover many topics such as Early Abortion Options, Which EC is Right for Me, and Birth Control Across the Gender Spectrum.

Our materials are:

  • Evidence-Based: We work with our Clinical Committee to constantly update our resources with the latest research and knowledge.
  • Pharma-Free: We don’t accept funding from pharmaceutical companies or promote specific brands of contraception.
  • Available in Multiple Languages: RHAP is currently working on updating our materials in Spanish, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, and Hindi. You can read more about RHAP’s process on translating our materials here.
  • Eco-friendly: Our printer is certified by the Forest Stewardship Council and uses soy-based ink.

One of RHAP’s most popular items in the store is our Birth Control Choices Poster. This poster compares birth control methods based on essential information about each method, how to use, impacts on bleeding, common side effects, and more. This is an ideal poster for health centers, clinicians’ offices, and school clinics. It features a colorful design and easy-to-read descriptions of each method.

Additionally, RHAP offers various clinical tools such as our Quick Start Algorithm, a clinical guide for how clinicians can ‘quick start’ hormonal contraception. Other tools include our Medical Eligibility for Initiating Contraception guide, a great reference tool for health care professionals  who want to check a patient’s medical eligibility for various forms of contraception. The information is based on the World Health Organization’s and US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations for initiating contraception.

You can check out and place orders from RHAP’s store here. If you have any questions about our store please feel free to email us.

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