
Update On Our Patient Education Resources


RHAP provides free, evidence-based clinical tools and patient education resources for clinicians and patients on abortion, contraception, and early pregnancy loss (miscarriage) care. These resources are provided in a variety of different languages, with more resources being continuously translated/updated. We field-test all of our new resources and new translations with clinicians and patients to make sure our resources are relatable, understandable, and useful for the community.

Our current focus is updating/translating our most utilized patient education resources and ones focusing on self-managed care in Spanish, Hindi, Chinese Simplified, and Chinese Traditional. Some of our more recently updated resources include; The Shot (Depo Provera) User Guide, Depo-Provera Sub-Q User Guide, Copper IUD User Guide, Pill User Guide, Non-Prescription Birth Control Methods (Spanish), Birth Control Across the Gender Spectrum (Spanish), IUD Fact Sheet, Progestin-Only Birth Control (Spanish). If you would like to learn more about our translation and field-testing process, take a look at our previous newsletter article detailing the process.

RHAP is also always looking for potential field testers to review and provide feedback on our resources, especially new translations. If you are a Spanish, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, French, and/or Arabic reader/writer, please reach out to our Program Coordinator, Brandy Bautista ( to be included. All field testers receive a $100 honorarium/resource for their time and effort.

Check out our resource library to view and download our resources for free, or visit our store to purchase physical copies for your patients and clinic. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to developing, updating, translating, and field testing our resources over the years. It is truly a community effort to build a resource library that is created by patients and clinicians for patients and clinicians.

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