
Support Our End of Year Fundraising Appeal!


Around this time every year we ask all our friends and supporters to make a donation to support our work.   This support enables us to expand our work to new places in great need.   So far this year, donations from supporters like you has already increased by 70%! But, there is so much more we need to do! Please consider making a donation today.

Across the country, clinicians who care about women’s health are contending with worse and more invasive restrictions on their ability to provide their patients basic reproductive health care. It seems that as soon as we’ve figured out a way around one barrier, another, worse one, is created.

The Reproductive Health Access Project is a powerful, front-line antidote to the forces trying to restrict access to family planning and abortion. By integrating contraception and abortion into mainstream health care, we effectively take these services out of the line of fire.

The Reproductive Health Access Project works directly with clinicians–family doctors, nurse practitioners and physician assistants–providing them training, support and practical clinical tools and resources so that they can provide their patients with high-quality comprehensive reproductive health care as a seamless part of their medical practice.

Please consider making a gift to the Reproductive Health Access Project today! Donate now and a generous donor will match the first $5,000 we receive.

Thank you!

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Make a donation

Your gift allows us to mobilize, train, and support clinicians across the United States so they provide reproductive health care.
