
RHAP Goes to (Feminist) Boot Camp


Linda Prine shows a Soapbox participant how to do an MVA

We had a truly inspirational day at the RHAP office this Friday. Soapbox. Inc sent over several members of its Winter 2012 Feminist Bootcamp to participate in a papaya workshop. The participants come from all over the U.S. to take part in a week-long program that exposes them to the feminist movement in all its forms; from art and advocacy to reproductive justice.  RHAP’s Medical Director Linda Prine led the papaya workshop and answered questions from the participants.

The dialogue turned towards why abortion is still so stigmatized and the difficulties young women face when trying to access contraception and accurate sexual health education. It was fantastic hearing the young women from Soapbox brainstorm ideas for how to remove barriers to reproductive health. Who knew boot camp could be so much fun!

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