
Contraceptive Pearl: Copper IUD as Emergency Contraception

When a woman needs emergency contraception (EC), remember the Copper IUD!  This tiny device can serve TWO purposes:

1.  Provides long-acting, highly effective, and reversible contraception for up to 12 years.

2.  Provides high-efficacy (99%!) EC when inserted up to 5 days after unprotected sex.

Why not offer your patients the only form of EC that can prevent unintended pregnancy for up to 12 years after unprotected sex?

Unfortunately, studies show that the IUD is not offered by most providers as an EC option, even though at least 10% of women seeking EC are in fact interested in the copper IUD.  This results from a number of barriers for both patients and clinicians, including financial obstacles, clinic work-flow barriers and a lack of skill and/or knowledge about inserting the IUD as EC.

EC pills remain a great option: They’re available at most pharmacies, they can be kept in the medicine cabinet as back-up, and they don’t necessarily require an appointment, procedure or insurance coverage.  However, the copper IUD works better as EC (its efficacy is over 99% while that of levonogestrel pills and ulipristal acetate is under 90%) and has the additional benefit of protecting the woman from future unintended pregnancies.

We appreciate your feedback! Please write us at with any questions, comments or additional resources to add to our list.


Helpful Resources

Medical Eligibility for Initiating Contraception Chart

Emergency Contraception Website

Emergency Contraception: Which EC is Right for Me?

Patient Assistance Program for Copper IUD

Copper IUD User Guide



Belden, P, Harper CC, Speidel JJ.  The Copper IUD for Emergency Contraception, a Neglected Option.  Contraception.  2011 Oct 13. PubMed PMID: 22067753.

Cheng L, Gulmezoglu AM, Piaggio GGP, Ezcurra EE, Van Look PPFA.  Interventions for emergency contraception.  Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2008, Issue 2.  Art. No.: CD001324.  DOI:  10.1002/14651858.pub3. 

Polis CB, Grimes DA, Schaffer K, Blanchard K, Glasier  A, Harper C. Advance provision of emergency contraception for pregnancy prevention.  Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 2. Art. No.:  CD005497.  DOI:  10.1002/14651858.CD05497.



The Reproductive Health Access Project does not accept funding from pharmaceutical companies. We do not promote specific brands of medication or contraception. The information in the Contraceptive Pearls is unbiased, based on science alone.

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