
Why We #StandWithPP


2015_09_2_standwppRHAP is dedicated to making reproductive health care accessible to everyone. Planned Parenthood is an important ally in our work to ensure that clinicians have the highest quality training to provide their patients with the best care possible. We wouldn’t be able to do our work without them. They help train our fellows and many of the clinicians in our Miscarriage Care Initiative.

Planned Parenthood’s prominence in our field makes them an easy target for anti-abortion activists. But these recent attacks against Planned Parenthood aren’t just about Planned Parenthood, they are about limiting the rights of women to make decisions about their bodies, and the rights of clinicians to offer basic health care. Every person providing or receiving reproductive health care is a target.

Political forces are rallying to defund Planned Parenthood. Legislation has been proposed to cut all federal funding to Planned Parenthood. So far, these efforts haven’t worked at the federal level. But states are taking action to defund Planned Parenthood. So far, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Hampshire, and Utah have all cut state funding to Planned Parenthood.

The federal funding (Title X) Planned Parenthood receives does not cover abortion care. Rather, Title X funding covers basic family planning care, including confidential well-woman exams, contraception, cancer screenings, and STD testing and treatment for all individuals, regardless of sex, gender identity, or income.

One in five women will use Planned Parenthood’s services at least once in her life; 37% of patients receiving health care under Title X use Planned Parenthood. Defunding the organization would affect health services for millions of people across the country. It is estimated that without the contraceptive services provided in Title X clinics like Planned Parenthood, unintended and teen pregnancy rates would be 35% higher.

We cannot be silent. Everyone—not just pro-choice organizations, health centers, and clinicians—must speak out on this issue. By remaining silent, the 63% of Americans who oppose defunding Planned Parenthood might just enable politicians to pass this legislation.

We urge you to join us and #StandWithPP.

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