
Happy National Day for the Appreciation of Abortion Providers!



March 10 is the National Day for the Appreciation of Abortion Providers. This day is observed every year to commemorate the death of David Gunn, MD, who was murdered by an anti-choice extremist in 1993. Today we celebrate the life and work of Dr. Gunn along with all the abortion providers who work tirelessly to ensure that everyone has access to safe, affordable, and compassionate abortion care.

Abortion providers make it possible for people to make their own reproductive health care choices in a way that best aligns with their life goals. These providers are on the front line of the fight for equal access to abortion care for everyone. They are vital to our movement and we can’t thank them enough for all they do!

Earlier this month, we asked our community to tell us why they appreciate abortion providers. Today, we’d like to share some of the many stories we received. For even more stories, you can follow along on Facebook and Twitter, where we are sharing messages of appreciation throughout the day!


Why do you appreciate abortion providers?

“Their brave work allows women and girls to make their own decisions and live their own lives.”

“They stand with women during some of the most challenging times of their lives.” 

“I appreciate abortion providers for recognizing that abortion is a normal part of health care, and for taking care of their patients with compassion and dedication despite facing threats and stigma for the essential work that they do. Thank you!” 

“I was an abortion counselor before Roe v. Wade. It was a scary time, but maybe not as scary as it is for you now. Back then we could go to jail for giving information, now you know you are risking your life to save lives. Because what you do is save women’s lives who otherwise might be forced to try to do it themselves or go to a non doctor for help. So I respect and honor what you do. Thank you.” 

“The providers I know are the most compassionate people I have ever met. They offer patients support, dignity, and care. Even in the face of stigma, threats, and violence, abortion providers come to work each and every day ready to help others. It’s beyond inspiring and I can never thank them enough!”

“You do important, necessary work to protect the health and well-being of women.  Abortion care is just as vital as maternity and family planning care for women to have control over their bodies and lives.” 

“I appreciate their commitment, bravery, dedication, and service orientation.  Many travel long distances to allow women access to desperately needed services.”  

“They provide compassionate care in a moment of deep need. They face stigma and danger in order to provide a service desperately needed by women. They help women control their fertility and thus their lives.”


Follow RHAP on social media all day to hear more about why our community appreciates and values abortion providers. Follow us on Twitter at @RHAP1 and on Facebook at

Share your own comments about why you appreciate your fellow abortion providers here.


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