
Spotlight on a donor, Kim Daly


Kim spends her days as a production editor for trade and educational publishing, but she is always on the lookout for opportunities with mission-based projects that help individuals in need of extra support. “Before becoming a donor, I started volunteering. About three years ago I got involved with an organization working with victims of sexual and domestic violence. I found the experience very rewarding and started looking for other organizations to support. I am lucky to be in a position now where I can offer financial support in addition to my time to help places like the Reproductive Health Access Project.”

As a life-long feminist, reproductive rights have always been important to Kim. She was first introduced to RHAP in 2014 at a screening of the film Obvious Child and immediately connected with RHAP’s mission of integrating abortion, contraception, and miscarriage services into primary care. “I really like the way that RHAP is reframing this issue as basic health care. RHAP talks about reproductive health in a way that demystifies these services and they are helping debunk taboos often associated with reproductive health.”

In a recent interview with Gloria Steinem on Fresh Air, Kim heard something that really got to the heart of why she supports RHAP. Steinem said, “Every person has the right to control—male and female—to control their own bodies from the skin in…Our skin needs to be the line of defense between our own dignity and will and any outside force.” Kim says, “I think RHAP works very hard to make sure everyone has this kind of control over their bodies and that’s why I choose to support their mission.”

Kim is a valued donor and we are so grateful for her support of the Reproductive Health Access Project.

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