
Women’s History Month


WHM-webpageInternational Women’s Day was first observed in 1911 as the industrial revolution heightened and women were being more vocal about the oppression and inequalities that they were facing in society. Observed on March 8th every year, it took 70 years before Congress authorized President Carter to recognize the entire week of March 8th as “Women’s History Week.” Six years later, thanks to the National Women’s History Project’s lobbying efforts, the US administration finally recognized the entirety of March to honor the accomplishments and contributions that women have provided throughout American history.

Throughout the next five Fridays, the Reproductive Health Access Project will be posting blogs on our social media that illustrate individuals and moments in women’s history where discrimination and other marginalizing factors directly or indirectly impacted their reproductive rights. Stay tuned as we go a little more in depth about events that are well known, such as the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, and lesser known moments such as the 1875 Page Act that barred Chinese women from immigrating to the United States. We are so grateful for all the cis and trans women of all racial and gender identities throughout history who have been working towards a more inclusive society, and we know the fight only continues from here!

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