
New Interns!


RHAP values the work that our interns do to contribute to our mission of making reproductive health care accessible to all. We are fortunate to have two amazing women join our team this fall!

Kallie McLoughlin is a recent graduate of Clark University where she majored in Political Science.  Her passion for reproductive justice was sparked by her work at Clark’s student-run sexual health resource center where she volunteered as an educator for other students. During her time at Clark, Kallie interned with Planned Parenthood of New York City and ran the campus’ Bedsider chapter for the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.  She included her interest in reproductive justice in her academics as well, writing her thesis on sex education policy in the United States.

Kallie is a New York City native who is excited to be back and interning with RHAP!  During her free time, you can find her working on a crossword or listening to a podcast.

Rachael Pelton is a Masters of Social Work student at Silberman School of Social work at Hunter college. She has been working to increase reproductive health access since 2013 beginning with Fordham University where she received her BSW degree in 2017. This experience of attempting to change restrictive reproductive health policies led her to pursue a future in community organizing as well as an internship with RHAP. She is very excited to work with us and hopes to continue to work towards Reproductive Justice post-grad.


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