Self-Managed Abortion

Self-Managed Abortion

RHAP believes that all people should have access to the full range of safe abortion options, including self-managed abortion (SMA), to end a pregnancy safely and with dignity on their own terms. SMA is an issue of human rights and reproductive justice: providing people with the tools and information to manage their abortion enables them to exercise bodily autonomy and to be in control of their health and well-being. Check out our blog post from 2022 describing RHAP’s perspective on self-managed abortion. 

We are developing and updating our abortion care training materials to incorporate SMA topics and values. We have worked in coalition to propose policy at the American Public Health Association to decriminalize and support SMA. We participate in national communities to communicate and advance the decriminalization of and access to SMA, as well as post-abortion care for those who may need it. We offer educational resources on having an abortion with pills – with more info sheets to come. And, we are building out clinical tools and resources to support primary care clinicians to care for and counsel patients seeking SMA. 


Learn more about having an abortion with pills:

Approach to Patients Undergoing Self-managed Medication Abortion: This resource shares common questions and concerns clinicians may hear about self-managed abortion (SMA) and how you can answer patient questions and share important information.



Sam’s Medication Abortion Zine: Comic that follows one person’s experience having a medication abortion


How to Use Abortion Pills: Factsheet with simple steps and drawings on how to use mifepristone and misoprostol for an abortion 




How to Use Misoprostol Only: Factsheet with simple steps and drawings on how to use misoprostol for an abortion




Abortion Pill Info: Guide on the abortion pills that can be used with or without a virtual visit with a clinician




What is a Self-Managed Abortion: An animated YouTube short that describes what a self-managed abortion is.





If you are looking for support to have an abortion with pills, check out these resources:

  • Abortion on Our Own Terms: Resources and education on self-managed abortion
  • Plan C: Guide for how to get abortion pill access by mail
  • M+A Hotline: Confidential, secure phone and text hotline for self-managing your miscarriage or abortion
  • Aid Access: Online consultation for receiving abortion pills by mail
  • Additional virtual platforms for clinician-provided abortion pills by mail (not available in all states):
  • Self-Managed Abortion; Safe & Supported: Information and resources on how to use abortion pills, with or without a clinician
  • Reprocare Healthline: Confidential healthline that provides peer-based, trauma-informed emotional support, medical information, and referrals to people having abortions with pills at home
  • DOPO: Directory of abortion doulas to support people through their unique abortion experiences
  • Mobile Phone Apps: Euki, Cara
  • If/When/How Repro Legal Helpline: Free, confidential helpline to access legal information or advice about self-managed abortion
  • The Mailbox Project: A resource to help people living in unsafe living situations, where getting abortion pills delivered directly could be dangerous, can still access medication for abortion using a general mailing address. This website has a unique locating tool for general mailing addresses across the US.  

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