
Jun 24

Abortion is Not A “Bad Thing”

When I give a presentation about the abortion services we provide in our family medicine clinic,  people often ask, “Do you have a counselor to meet with your patients to help them?” I’m a bit put off by this question. I want to say, “It’s my patients with a new diagnosis of diabetes or high blood…

Jun 19

Spring Conference Wrap-Up

Spring is a busy season at the Reproductive Health Access Project. In the past few months we’ve presented an a number of academic conferences across the United States. Here’s a peak at some of our spring travels. On March 7th-8th our educational director Dr. Ruth Lesnewski presented at the ACU Health IT for the Underserved…

May 15

Visit Our New Online Store!

The Reproductive Health Access Project publishes a variety of patient education materials and clinical tools. Now, you can purchase these materials at our new online store! Visit it today at store.reproductiveaccess.org We believe in promoting evidence-based, patient centered medicine. All of our patient education materials are medically accurate, drawn from the latest clinical information. We field test our patient education…

Apr 16

Diminishing Shame

I work once a week at a high volume abortion site.  When I’m there I often don’t have the chance to have much of an interaction with the patients in the minute or so that I see them before the anesthesia takes effect.  But the other day, I had a quick conversation that really stuck…

Jan 30

What’s in a Name (or a Tagline)?

A couple of years ago, when the Reproductive Health Access Project celebrated its 5th anniversary, we created a special tagline to mark the occasion:  making choices real.  I loved it.  I still love it.   It telegraphs the fact that, even though abortion and contraception are legal, many women still face tremendous barriers in accessing this…

Jan 16

2013 is Going to be a Great Year!

Thank you! We met our year end fundraising match, and then some!  Supporters like you gave more to the Reproductive Health Access Project in 2012 than ever before.  This means we’ll be able to do even more in 2013.  We have lots of plans in store:  expanding our clinical training opportunities, creating new clinical tools…

Dec 12

Helping a Physician Become an Abortion Provider

It’s often difficult for doctors who received abortion training while in residency to integrate the service once they are in practice.  They face many barriers including resistant staff members, malpractice costs, and the need for additional clinical training. An experienced mentor can be helpful in developing strategies for overcoming these barriers.  Each spring the Reproductive…

Dec 06

Increasing Access, Increasing Equality

Since I came out—over a decade ago, which was about the same time I started doing reproductive justice work—my straight friends have asked me why, as a lesbian, I care so much about abortion rights. For a long time, I couldn’t answer their question with anything more than: I’m a lesbian; I’m a feminist; I’m…