
Jan 30

Focus on a Network Cluster: Idaho

2017 was a busy year for the Reproductive Health Access Network, with 11 new Clusters meeting for the first time (in addition to our 7 previous Clusters!). In recognition of the efforts of the Cluster leaders and members, we will highlight different Clusters throughout 2018, starting with Idaho. RHAP’s Idaho Cluster, led by Sarah, a…

Jan 24

Running for RHAP: Katie Neimeyer

Katie Neimeyer is one of five RHAP supporters running for RHAP in the 2018 United Airlines NYC Half-Marathon.  Learn more about Katie and why she is running for RHAP. -Tell us a little bit about yourself I moved to NYC the summer of 2016 after receiving my Bachelor’s degree earlier that spring. I grew up in…

Jan 24

Running for RHAP: Kait Lynes

Kait Lynes is one of five RHAP supporters running for RHAP in the 2018 United Airlines NYC Half-Marathon.  Learn more about Kait and why she is running for RHAP. -What led you to become involved with RHAP? / How did you learn about us? I first learned about RHAP through my friend Sylvia who volunteers for…

Jan 23

Reflecting on 2017, Looking Ahead to 2018

A year ago, we really had no idea what the future would hold for our organization or our movement. We feared the worst after the 2016 election—a roll back of federal rights and advancements made with regard to reproductive health care and an increase in state-level anti-abortion, anti-reproductive rights laws and policies.  What we didn’t…

Jan 09

End of Year Recap

Thank YOU! You helped us surpass our fundraising goal and raised over $80,000! Your support and what it means to clinicians and patients everywhere overwhelm us. Your commitment to expand access reproductive health care provides us with the encouragement to continue the fight to increase accessibility. Everyone deserves the right to access reproductive health care…

Jan 08

Running for RHAP: Sylvia English

Sylvia English is one of five RHAP supporters running for RHAP in the 2018 United Airlines NYC Half-Marathon.  Learn more about Sylvia and why she is running for RHAP. Tell us  about yourself I first came across Reproductive Health Access Project via Google while writing my master’s thesis in a related health area, and thought the…

Jan 08

Running for RHAP: Meghan Tizzano

Megan is one of five RHAP supporters running in the  2018 United Airlines NYC Half-Marathon to benefit RHAP.  Learn about Meghan and why she supports expanding access to reproductive health care. Tell us  about yourself I am a 29 (almost 30 – birthday is end of January) woman and I have been living in NYC for…

Dec 26

Spotlight on a Donor: Mateo Nava

Mateo Nava is an artist, volunteer and donor. His work is invested in conflating, juxtaposing, and contrasting religious and fictional narratives pertaining to the colonial history of Mexico. Like many of us, Mateo learned about Reproductive Health Access Project through an ally. His ally just happens to be RHAP’s very own Program Associate, Natalie Kopke.…

Dec 19

Notes from the Field: Joanna

The Family Medicine Resident: The first time I met Joanna* was when she and her husband came into the clinic to establish prenatal care. She was 9 weeks pregnant at that time. As soon as I walked into the room, I could tell that they were both so excited, and Joanna expressed to me that…

Dec 12

We are Moving!

Since day one, the Reproductive Health Access Project has been getting free office space from a large community health center in New York City. This is really no small thing. Being embedded within a large, cutting edge primary care clinic allowed us to easily keep our fingers on the pulse of community health care. The…