
Dec 02

Giving Back on #GivingTuesday

The Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) is proud to be participating in the third annual #GivingTuesday! #GivingTuesday is a campaign to create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season. It celebrates and encourages charitable activities that support nonprofit organizations. So how can you give this #GivingTuesday? There is no…

Nov 14

A Win! ACGME Guidelines Now Include Family Planning

Back in April the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education–the organization that sets the training standards and accredits all residency training programs in the United States–updated the training standards for Family Medicine. Instead of making the training requirements in women’s health stronger, they weakened them! Training in contraception was no longer required. In fact, family…

Sep 16

Ultrasounds Can Expand Access to Reproductive Health Care

If you’ve been hearing a lot about ultrasound machines lately, it’s most likely because anti-abortion state legislatures across the country are proposing and passing laws that mandate the provision of ultrasounds on anyone seeking abortion care.  These laws regulate who, when and how ultrasounds are performed for abortion care.  Many of these laws require clinicians…

Jun 19

Spring Conference Wrap-Up

Spring is a busy season at the Reproductive Health Access Project. In the past few months we’ve presented an a number of academic conferences across the United States. Here’s a peak at some of our spring travels. On March 7th-8th our educational director Dr. Ruth Lesnewski presented at the ACU Health IT for the Underserved…

May 15

Visit Our New Online Store!

The Reproductive Health Access Project publishes a variety of patient education materials and clinical tools. Now, you can purchase these materials at our new online store! Visit it today at store.reproductiveaccess.org We believe in promoting evidence-based, patient centered medicine. All of our patient education materials are medically accurate, drawn from the latest clinical information. We field test our patient education…

Dec 04

Meet Our New Interns

  Name: Gabrielle deFiebre, but I go by GG. Hails from: New York, NY Why are you passionate about reproductive health? When I first started classes for my master’s of Public Health at Hunter College, I was introduced to the concept of health disparities and how access to quality care is often determined by income…