
Oct 09

October is Pregnancy Loss Awareness Month

About one in four pregnancies ends in pregnancy loss. For many people this can be an emotional process, and it is important that they receive care in a setting that is comfortable and safe. RHAP believes that everyone experiencing early pregnancy loss should be able to access high-quality, patient-centered care within their own communities, from…

Sep 18

News from the Network

Every quarter, we like to give you a short update on the activities of the Reproductive Health Access Network, our community of reproductive health care primary care clinicians who work nationally and locally to integrate abortion, contraception, and miscarriage care into their primary care settings. Currently, there are 2,100 Network members who live and work in…

Sep 04

Happy Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month!

On September 15, 1821, five Central American nations – Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua – declared independence from Spanish colonial rule. Fast forward to 1988, when the date was chosen as the starting point of Hispanic Heritage Month to commemorate those anniversaries. The Latinx community is the fastest-growing community in the United…