
Oct 24

Network Update: We’re headed out West!

There’s a lot happening this fall with the Reproductive Health Access Network! In addition to the fall gatherings of our current Clusters, we’re also hosting two regional and one national gathering. Coming up the second weekend of October is our Network meeting at Family Medicine Midwest in Indiana, co-hosted by the Midwest Access Project (MAP). A…

Oct 18

Honoring Dr. Linda Prine

This fall our medical director Dr. Linda Prine is receiving two major awards that recognize her achievements as a teacher, mentor, and advocate. On October 31st the Community Health Center Association of New York State will honor Dr. Prine with the Catherine Abate Memorial Award. Catherine Abate, like Linda Prine, is known as a beloved…

Oct 11

Meet our New MCI Programs

This month marks the kickoff of the 2016-2017 Miscarriage Care Initiative (MCI)! With the MCI, RHAP is increasing the number of primary care clinics and providers offering comprehensive miscarriage care, and developing clinical leaders and advocates within family medicine across the country. Five organizations will receive intensive support from RHAP to integrate and expand treatment…

Oct 04

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

About one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage. RHAP believes that everyone experiencing early pregnancy loss should be able to access high-quality, patient-centered care within their own communities. Too often, people experiencing a miscarriage are sent to the emergency room for treatment, which can be frightening and traumatizing during what is often a difficult time. Miscarriage…

Sep 26

Election 2016: Update

After more than a year of campaigning, the presidential primaries are (finally!) over and the candidates confirmed. Now it’s time focus on the issues. There is a lot a stake in this election beyond who becomes President. The Senate majority may change and there is likely to be a shake up in the House of…

Sep 13

Welcoming our New Fellows

Every year, RHAP selects a group of primary care physicians who are dedicated to providing and teaching reproductive health care within family medicine for our Fellowship program. Take some time to get to know the wonderful physicians who have joined our team for our year-long Reproductive Health Care and Advocacy Fellowship (RHA) and the two-year…

Sep 06

Join us for a Hyde UnHappy Hour!

Join us this September 29 for a brave action for a future without Hyde! For 40 years, politicians have used the Hyde Amendment to deny abortion coverage for those struggling to get by and this year we are coming together to say: Enough is enough! On Thursday, September 29 at 6:00pm the Reproductive Health Access…

Aug 22

Notes from the Field: Dr. Martha Simmons

In light of last month’s Supreme Court victory in Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, we asked Dr. Martha Simmons, a 2015-2016 Reproductive Health and Advocacy Fellow, to share a recent patient experience that she found especially meaningful. “Danielle*, one of my regular patients, came to me for a Depo Provera shot. Previously, she had been…

Aug 10

RHAP is Recruiting Interns for Fall 2016!

The Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) is now recruiting interns for this Fall! Our Interns play a key role in ensuring that the Reproductive Health Access Project fulfills its mission by supporting the staff of this small but busy organization. We are currently seeking a Development and Communications Intern and a Program Support Intern to…