
Sep 16

“I was treated better when I had an abortion.”

Linda Prine, RHAP’s medical director, moderates the Access List, a clinical listserv with more than 1,000 subscribers all dedicated to providing abortion care within family medicine and primary care settings. This blog regularly features Linda’s postings to the Access List. I was shocked by the hurt in her voice when our patient started telling us…

Sep 09

6 Steps for Community-Based Organizations to Make A Difference in the Midterm Elections

A simple voter registration drive can make a big difference this November 4th! Helping your clients register to vote is easy, legal and can be integrated into daily operations. Your non-partisan involvement through voter registration is a critical step to engaging new or infrequent voters. Many community based organizations such as health centers, non-profits, schools, and…

Sep 02

Reproductive Health in the Voting Booth

This year it has become clearer to me than ever that our elected officials – at every level – are controlling reproductive health care access. Our political representatives have the power to write, pass and enact laws that directly impact access to contraception and abortion care. They appoint judges who make critical legal rulings limiting…

Aug 14

Why I Provide Abortions

Dr. C. is an abortion provider in Buffalo, NY and a member of our Family Medicine Reproductive Health Network. He has chosen to speak anonymously to protect himself and his family. We recently asked him what moves him to provide abortions and this was his answer. It’s simple. I provide abortions because it is basic…

Jul 22

13 Ways Providing Abortion Care Makes Me A Better Doctor

Linda Prine, RHAP’s medical director, moderates the Access List, a clinical listserv with more than 1,000 subscribers all dedicated to providing abortion care within family medicine and primary care settings. This regular column features Linda’s postings to the Access List. At our recent Reproductive Health Access Project gathering at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine…

Jul 02

After Hobby Lobby: Taking Action to Ensure Contraception is Basic Health Care for Everyone

The development of safe, effective contraception is widely considered to be one of the greatest public health achievements of the last century. Contraception reduces unintended pregnancy, improves birth outcomes, reduces maternal death and has been correlated with improved health and economic benefits for families and communities. Worldwide, contraception is considered basic health care and access…