As a medical student at Wayne State University, rotating through the various specialties, Kelita Fox was immediately attracted to family medicine for its broad area of focus and its emphasis on care for people throughout the lifespan. Her choice was sealed during a rotation in a Detroit emergency department, which made clear to her the…
“Miscarriage is so common, it should not be marginalized, and there are rarely times that ER care is needed… It shouldn’t feel like special treatment to be respected, to have your worries addressed, and to have your grieving acknowledged.” As RHAP’s Medical Director Linda Prine wrote in a blog post last year, experiencing early pregnancy…
I did two abortions this morning (among other procedures) in our neighborhood family health center. The first was a 25-year-old professional woman who came in with her best friend, having been referred from her boutique practice that does IUDs but not abortions. She was pregnant with an IUD in place and had texted me yesterday evening,…
In recent months there has been much discussion in the media about employment accommodations for pregnant women, especially surrounding the Supreme Court Case Young v. UPS. Family physicians can play an important role helping pregnant women get the appropriate workplace accommodations. Recently RHAP’s Reproductive Health and Advocacy Fellow Carrie Pierce, Medical Director Linda Prine, and Research…
The Reproductive Health Access Network has grown to include nearly 800 pro-choice primary care clinicians from across the country, many of who are working to advocate for changes both at the local and national levels. This month, we’d like to highlight the efforts of the Eastern Massachusetts Cluster in taking action for policy changes within…
Honor MacNaughton is near and dear to RHAP. She was our first Reproductive Health and Advocacy Fellow from 2007-2008. She still works closely with RHAP. She is currently on the board of directors and is a Reproductive Health Access Network Regional Cluster leader for Boston and Eastern Massachusetts. She is a family medicine physician and…
99% of sexually active American women will use contraception in their lifetime. As key providers of primary care to women and families across the country, family physicians need to be able to provide evidence-based, patient-centered contraceptive care. In 2014 the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education recognized the importance of family planning as a part…
Meet Sarah Miller, MD, MPH, Associate Fellowship Director at the Institute for Family Health and faculty at the Institute for Family Health’s Harlem Residency. She is a family doctor, reproductive health specialist, vasectomist, activist and educator. In celebration of World Vasectomy Day today, we asked Dr. Miller to share her thoughts on vasectomies, family medicine and reproductive health.…
Linda Prine, RHAP’s medical director, moderates the Access List, a clinical listserv with more than 1,000 subscribers all dedicated to providing abortion care within family medicine and primary care settings. This regular column features Linda’s postings to the Access List. At our recent Reproductive Health Access Project gathering at Society of Teachers of Family Medicine…
As the national organizer for RHAP, I have the privilege of working with some of the most amazing activist physicians in the country. I am constantly reminded of the commitment and perseverance it takes to provide abortion care in so many places. A sterling example of this persistent dedication is Dr. Julie Johnston. I first…