Dec 11

IUD Evangelism

Apparently IUD users love their IUD so much they can’t help themselves from spreading the word about how great a contraceptive option it is.  New York Magazine is calling this phenomena “IUD Evangelism.” Why is getting an IUD an almost spiritual experience?   “..learning about the IUD is like discovering that some benevolent God has been listening to…

Nov 14

IUDs: The Other Side of the Speculum

I’m a single, white, sexually-active young woman with no significant medical history and I want an intrauterine device (IUD).  Yet after four months of trying to get an IUD, I still have an empty uterus.  At the end of my last visit to the doctor, I turned to my friend exasperated and exclaimed, “Why does…

May 02

Notes from a Doula

In August of 2011, I accepted the unique position as a Women’s Health Advocate at a community health center in New York City.  So, what does this Women’s Health Advocate job entail? Let me explain. I work with women who need reproductive health care as a doula.  Wikipedia defines doula as, “a provider of non-medical…

Jan 29

Winter Weekend Here We Come!

Every year the New York state Academy of Family Physicians (NYSAF) hosts a clinical meeting in Lake Placid that they call the Winter Weekend.  Family docs from across the state come together to network, attend clinical education sessions and enjoy the snow. The state Academy of Family Physician meetings are a great venue for providing…