If you’ve been hearing a lot about ultrasound machines lately, it’s most likely because anti-abortion state legislatures across the country are proposing and passing laws that mandate the provision of ultrasounds on anyone seeking abortion care. These laws regulate who, when and how ultrasounds are performed for abortion care. Many of these laws require clinicians…
Spring is a busy season at the Reproductive Health Access Project. In the past few months we’ve presented an a number of academic conferences across the United States. Here’s a peak at some of our spring travels. On March 7th-8th our educational director Dr. Ruth Lesnewski presented at the ACU Health IT for the Underserved…
The Reproductive Health Access Project publishes a variety of patient education materials and clinical tools. Now, you can purchase these materials at our new online store! Visit it today at store.reproductiveaccess.org We believe in promoting evidence-based, patient centered medicine. All of our patient education materials are medically accurate, drawn from the latest clinical information. We field test our patient education…
I work once a week at a high volume abortion site. When I’m there I often don’t have the chance to have much of an interaction with the patients in the minute or so that I see them before the anesthesia takes effect. But the other day, I had a quick conversation that really stuck…
As part of my work with the Reproductive Health Access Project, I am a doula for women undergoing reproductive health procedures like colposcopies, IUD or implant insertions or manual vacuum aspiration. A doula, in essence, is someone who provides emotional support. At first, I was not sure how I was going to be able to…
It’s often difficult for doctors who received abortion training while in residency to integrate the service once they are in practice. They face many barriers including resistant staff members, malpractice costs, and the need for additional clinical training. An experienced mentor can be helpful in developing strategies for overcoming these barriers. Each spring the Reproductive…
Around this time every year we ask all our friends and supporters to make a donation to support our work. This support enables us to expand our work to new places in great need. So far this year, donations from supporters like you has already increased by 70%! But, there is so much more we…
Each spring, starting in 2007, RHAP conducts an annual survey of graduating 3rd year family medicine residents who have received abortion training. We use information from the survey to help connect with newly trained family physicians and to build our Family Medicine Reproductive Health Network. As of this spring, the Network had 429 members across…
The medical students and residents we train are often surprised at the emphasis we put on language in the exam room. Take this recent story from a family doctor in our practice who was working with a medical student: While examining the patient she [the medical student] used phrases like, “Scoot your bottom down until…
Although much of RHAP’s work focuses on supporting family physicians, we also stand behind the critical role nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and nurse midwives play in primary care. These advanced practice clinicians (for lack of a better, all-encompassing term) often provide health care in the most under-served communities in the United States. Advanced practice clinicians…