We at RHAP have always known that just because clinicians are trained in abortion care doesn’t mean they will provide abortion care. Whether or not clinicians can provide this care rests on many factors including: where the individual practices are located, the support of their colleagues, the ability to access the right equipment and supplies,…
It’s often difficult for doctors who received abortion training while in residency to integrate the service once they are in practice. They face many barriers including resistant staff members, malpractice costs, and the need for additional clinical training. An experienced mentor can be helpful in developing strategies for overcoming these barriers. Each spring the Reproductive…
Each spring, starting in 2007, RHAP conducts an annual survey of graduating 3rd year family medicine residents who have received abortion training. We use information from the survey to help connect with newly trained family physicians and to build our Family Medicine Reproductive Health Network. As of this spring, the Network had 429 members across…
April is always a busy month for us: We launch our annual survey of family medicine residents trained in abortion care, mail out our spring newsletter, and host national gatherings of our Reproductive Health Access Network. We close the month by attending two key national conferences–back to back. One is a primary care conference, the…