The Reproductive Health Access Project publishes a variety of patient education materials and clinical tools. Now, you can purchase these materials at our new online store! Visit it today at We believe in promoting evidence-based, patient centered medicine. All of our patient education materials are medically accurate, drawn from the latest clinical information. We field test our patient education…
We’ve just released two new birth control fact sheets covering Natural Family Planning and Permanent Birth Control (Sterilization). The Natural Family Planning (NFP) fact sheet lays out seven common methods of natural family planning, and compares them by efficacy. The sheet explains how each NFP method works and lists common pros and cons. The Permanent Birth Control…
Thank you! We met our year end fundraising match, and then some! Supporters like you gave more to the Reproductive Health Access Project in 2012 than ever before. This means we’ll be able to do even more in 2013. We have lots of plans in store: expanding our clinical training opportunities, creating new clinical tools…
We’re kicking of the fall with some great news – on September 18th, 2012 The New York Times highlighted the Reproductive Health Access Project’s work in an article about how to safely switch between contraceptive methods. In the article RHAP’s Education Director, Dr. Ruth Lesnewski, outlined some of the most common reasons why women switch…
This summer and my internship with the Reproductive Health Access Project have come to a close. At our final staff luncheon on July 25, 2012 my fellow interns and I were asked to comment on the most surprising thing we learned as part of our experience with the non-profit organization. Given the current political climate,…
Look what Natasha Miller, an awesome HealthCorps worker, created for us! It’s a great tool that lays out in an easy to read way everything you ever wanted to know about Emergency Contraception. Emergency Contraception Clinician Guide This chart was featured in this month’s edition of the Contraceptive Pearls, our monthly e-publication that promotes clinical…