Jan 30

What’s in a Name (or a Tagline)?

A couple of years ago, when the Reproductive Health Access Project celebrated its 5th anniversary, we created a special tagline to mark the occasion:  making choices real.  I loved it.  I still love it.   It telegraphs the fact that, even though abortion and contraception are legal, many women still face tremendous barriers in accessing this…

Aug 02

Fighting Stigma

I love this picture.  This is Linda Prine’s family: her sister, her parents, her sons, and her son’s girlfriend at the Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health awards ceremony  They are so happy, beaming, full of pride, cheering Linda for being a leader and teacher of abortion care. This is no small thing, having your…

Apr 30

From New York to Vancouver to Seattle and Back

April is always a busy month for us:  We launch our annual survey of family medicine residents trained in abortion care, mail out our spring newsletter,  and host national gatherings of our Reproductive Health Access Network.  We close the month by attending two key national conferences–back to back.  One is a primary care conference, the…