This year, as we were thinking about how best to tell you about our work in 2011, we wanted to demonstrate that a small organization like ours can really make a difference. As you read through our 2011 annual report, we hope you’ll see how our work reaches across the country and even across the…
Our first summer brown bag lunch was a great success! On Monday, July 16th, the Reproductive Health Access Project invited summer interns from reproductive health and justice organizations around New York City to lunch time talk. The topic? A papaya workshop. Now you might be asking yourself, “Papayas? What’s so special about a papaya?” Well,…
This summer and my internship with the Reproductive Health Access Project have come to a close. At our final staff luncheon on July 25, 2012 my fellow interns and I were asked to comment on the most surprising thing we learned as part of our experience with the non-profit organization. Given the current political climate,…
I love this picture. This is Linda Prine’s family: her sister, her parents, her sons, and her son’s girlfriend at the Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health awards ceremony They are so happy, beaming, full of pride, cheering Linda for being a leader and teacher of abortion care. This is no small thing, having your…
Our staff loves to read – especially books about reproductive health and access issues! So this summer we thought we’d share a few of our favorites so you could add them to your summer reading list. And if you have any recommendations, send them our way. Happy reading! p.s. If you buy any of these…
We are thrilled to introduce you to our two summer interns – Lianne and Mia! These wonderful new members of the Reproductive Health Access Project team will be with us all summer long, putting together workshops and trainings, doing research on policy issues, and writing for the blog. Here’s a little info about them. Name:…
Last night Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health hosted their annual Rashbaum-Tiller Abortion Provider Awards. The Reproductive Health Access Project came out in full force to celebrate. Can you blame us for being so excited? Linda Prine our Medical Director and one of our organization’s founders, received the William K. Rashbaum, MD Abortion Provider Award…