Did you know that Hawaiian papayas serve as excellent, inexpensive uterine models for teaching procedures like IUD placements and manual vacuum aspiration? The Papaya Workshop has been used for many years as a clinical teaching tool for students, residents, and clinicians training in reproductive health care. RHAP has found that an adapted version of this workshop…
This month, we are highlighting Dr. Josh Steinberg, family medicine faculty member at UHS Wilson Family Medicine Residency in Binghamton, NY, who recently developed a Contraception Point-of-Care mobile app (iPhone and Android versions) that pulls together information and guidance from a variety of sources, including RHAP’s own clinical tools! This app is intended for clinicians and clinical trainees, making it easy…
Every year, RHAP selects a group of primary care physicians who are dedicated to providing and teaching reproductive health care within family medicine for our Fellowship program. Take some time to get to know the wonderful physicians who have joined our team for our year-long Reproductive Health Care and Advocacy Fellowship (RHA) and the two-year…
The Reproductive Health Care and Advocacy Fellowship is now accepting applications! This one-year fellowship is open to family physicians and aims to develop leaders who will promote and teach full-spectrum reproductive health care within family medicine. There are currently four fellowship positions available: three based in New York City at Institute for Family Health-affiliated residencies…
On March 25th, Dr. Erin Hendriks, a Miscarriage Care Initiative (MCI) grantee, hosted an IUD training for medical students in Detroit, MI. Through the MCI program, Dr. Hendriks is not only expanding access to miscarriage care but also increasing access to contraception training. The Miscarriage Care Initiative provided Dr. Hendriks a sophisticated uterine model that…
RHAP’s Reproductive Health and Advocacy Fellowship aims to develop clinical leaders who will promote and teach full-spectrum women’s reproductive healthcare within family medicine. One of the way they develop these skills is through regional and national advocacy. Our Fellow, Zahra Virani, MD was recently part of a group of physicians who traveled to Washington, DC as…
2014 has been a year full of building and re-building. Many of the seeds that the Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) has long been planting have started to grow and blossom. We’ve also taken a careful, deep look at one of our longest standing programs, to make it stronger and healthier. In 2012-13 we undertook…