
Aug 02

Vote 2016: Get the Facts

Fatigued after last month’s national conventions? Take a deep breath and #GetTheFacts with RHAP’s pro-choice voting guide! Our Vote 2016: Get the Facts guide provides national and state-by-state resources to help you make informed decisions this election cycle. So far this year 14 states have passed more than 30 laws restricting abortion access. Though last…

Jul 11

Vote 2016: Get the Facts

Fatigued by this year’s election season? Take a deep breath and get the facts with RHAP’s pro-choice voting guide! Our Vote 2016: Get the Facts guide provides national and state-by-state resources to help you make informed decisions this election cycle. Over 300 bills restricting abortion access were proposed in 2015 alone. Anti-choice legislation is making…

Mar 22

Vote 2016: Get the Facts!

This election season will have a big impact on the future of reproductive health care. State, local, and national legislators have the power to enact reproductive health policies that affect our lives. The Reproductive Health Access Project is all about making informed decisions. We want to make sure you have the information you need to…

Jan 21

5 Advocacy Actions to Watch in 2016

The Reproductive Health Access Project supports the reproductive health, rights, and justice work that our sister organizations do whenever we can, so that we can all move forward together in our allied mission to expand access to reproductive health care. One of the ways that we do this is by signing on to and participating…

Nov 13

Midterm Elections 2014: GOTV Round-Up

The Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) launched its first-ever Get Out the Vote Campaign (GOTV) leading up to the 2014 midterms, a crucial election for reproductive rights. Our efforts began in September with the launch of our GOTV webpage which featured voter registration, information on ballot measures and national and state pro-choice voter guides. Our campaign…

Oct 09

Reproductive Justice Ballot Initiatives 2014

The primaries are over and the candidates confirmed—now it’s time to really focus on the issues! As we’ve mentioned before, there’s a great deal at stake in the 2014 midterm elections, not least around issues of reproductive justice and women’s health. More specifically, three states have ballot measures that severely limit access to abortion care. If you live…

Oct 01

RHAP’s #GOTV Campaign in Action: Events Recap

The Reproductive Health Access Project (RHAP) hosted two events last week to highlight the importance of voting in the midterm election on November 4th. The upcoming midterm election is particularly important because hundreds of state legislators, 36 governors, 33 senators and the entire house of representatives are up for re-election. These elected officials write, pass, and…

Sep 09

6 Steps for Community-Based Organizations to Make A Difference in the Midterm Elections

A simple voter registration drive can make a big difference this November 4th! Helping your clients register to vote is easy, legal and can be integrated into daily operations. Your non-partisan involvement through voter registration is a critical step to engaging new or infrequent voters. Many community based organizations such as health centers, non-profits, schools, and…

Sep 02

Reproductive Health in the Voting Booth

This year it has become clearer to me than ever that our elected officials – at every level – are controlling reproductive health care access. Our political representatives have the power to write, pass and enact laws that directly impact access to contraception and abortion care. They appoint judges who make critical legal rulings limiting…