Post-Election Reflection

Post Election Reflection – Join us on Thursday, November 15th, 2018 at 6:30pm

You’re invited to join RHAP for a post-election debrief to discuss the impacts of the election with your reproductive health care peers. Come mix and mingle with our board members, supporters, and funders over drinks & hors d’oeuvres. This will be an informal opportunity to get together, support one another, see what we can learn from the factors that decided the election, and begin to discuss the implications for our collective efforts. 

Our short program will include an open discussion about RHAP’s plans based on the results of the election, as well as what we can expect in the future.  Be sure to bring your thinking hats so that we can brainstorm ideas about the future state of reproductive health care and ways you can help. We look forward to seeing you there! 

Program will begin at 7pm.

RSVP below by November 12th, 2018.