Nov 06

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We published a commentary in Women’s Health Issues called Establishing and Conducting a Regional, Hands-on Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Training Center in Primary Care exploring our experiences and lessons learned in developing and conducting hands-on training through the HaRT Center.
This agreement is a contract is between the organization providing the training and the organization sending clinicians for hands-on training. It spells out the training to be provided and outlines the documentation that the organization sending trainees needs to provide. This documentation includes: verification of liability coverage and verification of each trainee’s compliance with the health, infection control, and patient confidentiality requirements of the organization providing the training.
LARC Training Clinical Placement Agreement
CA Moulton, et al. Teaching Surgical Skills: What Kind of Practice Makes Perfect? Annals of Surgery. 2006 Sep; 244(3): 400–409.
Long-Term Reversible Contraception: Twelve Years of Experience with the TCu380A and TCu220C. Contraception. 1997. 56:341-352. This is the evidence that supports using the copper IUD (Paragard) for up to 12 years.
Prolonged Intrauterine Contraception: A Seven Year randomized study of the Levonorgestrel 20mcg/day (LNg 20) and the Copper T 380 Ag IUDs. Contraception. 1991. Vol. 44 No 5. 473-480. This article is the evidence that supports using the progestin IUD (Mirena) for up to 7 years.
“This may hurt”: predictions in procedural disclosure may do harm. BMJ 2015; 350 doi: (Published 06 February 2015)
IUDs – Dispelling the Myths This PowerPoint presentation covers basic clinical information, including commonly held myths, regarding IUDs.
Quick Start Algorithm This is protocol is a clinical best practice and is reinforced during training.
Medical Eligibility for Initiating Contraception This tool is used to teach trainees which patients are eligible for IUDs and contraceptive implants.
Pelvic Model We use a pelvic model during every training session to reinforce proper IUD insertion and removal technique.
These forms are used to track and assess each trainee’s progress.
Initial Intake Assessment We ask all trainees to complete this questionnaire prior to starting their training with us. It helps us assess the trainee’s prior experience in providing reproductive health care. This information allows us to tailor the training to meet each trainee’s needs and skill level.
Daily Session Trainee Assessment This form is completed daily by the trainer. It is used to track the number of procedures performed by the trainee and to track the level of support needed.
Comprehensive Trainee Assessment This form is completed twice during the training rotation, at the mid-point and again at the end.
LARC Final Quiz for Trainees All trainees complete this quiz at the end of their training. This assesses trainees’ knowledge of key LARC clinical and counseling information. This quiz can also be used as a teaching tool during didactics.
LARC Training Feedback This form is filled out by trainees at the end of their training. They self-assess their competency and indicate their intention to provide a range of reproductive health services. The form also allows for trainees to provide direct feedback on the clinical training they received and the educational materials used.
Your gift allows us to train and support health care providers across the United States so they can offer patients compassionate and comprehensive care.
Nov 06