
Jan 17

Contraceptive Pearl: Discussing Emergency Contraception & Weight

Written by Samantha Hyacinth We are able to offer patients more options for emergency contraception (EC) than ever before. Now, those who have unprotected sex or a contraceptive failure can choose between 1.5 mg levonorgestrel, 30 mg ulipristal acetate (UPA), the copper IUD (Cu-IUD), and the 52 mg levonorgestrel IUD (LNG-IUD). Unfortunately, not all of…

Jan 13

Clinician Guide for Trauma-Informed Care

This job aid by the National Clinical Training Center for Family Planning serves as a guide for clinicians performing physical examinations in sexual and reproductive health settings. In addition to defining trauma and trauma-informed care (TIC), this guide offers a roadmap to providing TIC before, during, and after a physical exam with action steps and sample phrases. A self-assessment checklist is available at the end of this guide.

Dec 14

National Clinical Training Center for Family Planning

The NCTCFP delivers continuous, high-quality clinical skills training and resources to clinicians and staff within Title X and related public health communities. Their website offers webinars, podcasts, blogposts, videos, clinical tools, job aids, and other resources to develop skills in quality family planning care. 

Nov 22

Insights: Updates in Rh Testing

Written by Jessica Beaman, MD MPH The National Abortion Federation (NAF) recently updated its guidelines, removing Rh testing and Rhogam treatment for people seeking medication and surgical abortion care with gestation under 12 weeks.¹ This update aligns with the current World Health Organization guidelines and has the potential to reduce barriers to care.² Previous NAF…

Nov 15

Contraceptive Pearl: Vasectomy Counseling

Written by Heather Stevens, MD Vasectomy is a highly effective method used for permanent sterilization for people with testicles. This method has been used for over 100 years across the world. Vasectomies are done in an outpatient setting with local anesthesia, and have very low complication rates. Though vasectomy is less expensive and safer than…