
Jan 18

Contraceptive Pearl: Special Considerations for People with Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

Written by Sheila Attaie, D.O. Substance Use Disorder (SUD) is a treatable chronic illness.  People with SUD have higher rates of unintended pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, infertility, and mortality related to pregnancy; and lower rates of contraceptive useĀ¹. People with SUD face profound stigma, barriers to care, and even criminalization when interfacing with the medical industrial complex.…

Dec 21

Resources for Abortion Delivery (RAD)

RAD provides free legal compliance advice to eligible abortion providers in all U.S. states and territories through their Regulatory Assistance for Abortion Providers (RAAP) program on how to navigate restrictions and reduce the negative impacts of anti-abortion laws. Experts can help with questions about establishing or expanding services, complying with abortion-specific state laws, preparing for…

Nov 16

Vasectomy User Guide

The Vasectomy user guide provides information about the vasectomy procedure. This sheet covers questions such as “How Does a Vasectomy Work?”, “How Well Does it Work?”, and “How Long Does it Take?”   Spanish, Chinese Traditional/Simplified, and Hindi: Updated October 2022 Reading Grade Level (Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level): 7.3

Nov 16

Contraceptive Pearl: Birth Control Patches

Updated November 29th, 2022 The three birth control patches available in the US deliver estrogen and progestin transdermally. Some people find a once-weekly patch easier to remember than a daily pill. The newest patch, Twirla, contains lower doses of hormones: Brand Name Estrogen Progestin Xulane 35 mcg 150 mcg norelgestromin Zafemy 35 mcg 150 mcg norelgestromin Twirla 30 mcg…