Jun 23
Electronic Health Record Template: Progestin Implant Removal
This is an electronic health record template (from the EPIC system) for progestin implant removal.
Help Us Protect Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Today!
Jun 23
This is an electronic health record template (from the EPIC system) for progestin implant removal.
Jun 10
A step-by-step guide on initiating medication abortion services within your primary care practice.
Jun 08
Aftercare instructions to use with patients having a vasectomy.
May 18
This course from Innovating Education, Structures & Self: Advancing Equity and Justice in Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare, is a learner-led, justice-informed curriculum designed to teach clinical learners to consider how systems of power and legacies of structural oppression impact their care for patients.
May 18
This brief report describes the provision of early pregnancy loss (EPL) management in New York State Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and barriers to providing this care. Office-based early pregnancy loss (EPL) care is safe and suitable to FQHCs, yet the prevalence of provision in FQHCs is unknown. We found that few New York FQHCs…
May 18
This publication describes the provision of early pregnancy loss (EPL) management and factors that inhibit or enable providing this care among family physicians trained in early abortion during residency. EPL is a common experience. Treatment options include expectant management, medication, and uterine aspiration. Although family physicians can offer comprehensive EPL treatment in their office-based settings,…
May 18
This publication details an exploratory study of US primary care clinicians’ perspectives on the effects of mifepristone restrictions, including US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, on access to medication abortion and early pregnancy loss (EPL) management in primary care. Protocols including mifepristone are the most effective medication regimens for medication abortion and EPL management.…
May 18
For patients whose pregnancy was not seen on ultrasound, use this patient handout to help explain the next steps. You can also share our Ectopic Pregnancy Fact Sheet for more information on symptoms, tests, and treatment for ectopic pregnancy.
May 18
Most people ovulate 9-14 days after an abortion. Patients presenting to end a pregnancy may be interested in starting or changing their contraceptive method. Depending on a patient’s medical eligibility, the following contraceptive methods are safe and effective post-abortion: Estrogen/progestin pill, patch, ring Progestin-only pill, injection, implant, IUD Copper IUD Barrier methods Sterilization Fertility Awareness…
May 13
This website, developed by the Fenway Institute, contains an extensive library of learning modules, videos, webinars, and other resources to support health care organizations optimize quality, cost-effective, and dignified care for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and all sexual and gender minority (LGBTQIA+) people. Link: https://www.lgbtqiahealtheducation.org/resources/